$ PRODUCT PACKAGE VIEWER - _$ /PRODUCER=ABC /BASE_SYSTEM=AXPVMS - _$ /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL /LOG - _$ /SOURCE=BUILD$:[TEST.PDF] - _$ /DESTINATION=DKA200:[PCSI_KITS] - _$ /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201] The directory [TEST.PDF] contains the PDF and PTF named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI$DESC and ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI$TEXT, respectively. These files and the product material files from the BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201] directory are used to create the kit for product VIEWER. When the PRODUCT PACKAGE command completes, a sequential kit named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI is created and placed in the DKA200:[PCSI_KITS] directory. The material path-name can be specified using a wildcard format such as the following: /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201...] In this case, the entire directory tree is searched to find the product files to package. The material path-name can also be specified in root directory format such as the following: /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201.] In this case, each FILE statement in the PDF refers to a specific subdirectory. For example, if the FILE statement contains the relative file specification [DOC]CHAPTER1.HTML, the package operation looks up the file in BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201.DOC]CHAPTER1.HTML. Using a root directory in the path-name allows more than one file named CHAPTER1.HTML to be in different subdirectories.