HELPLIB.HLB  —  LD  New features V8.1
 	The container file can now be locked to prevent file deletion:


 	In previous versions the container file could be deleted, but the
 	actual deletion did not take place until the file was disconnected
 	so no harm was done. This is the same bahaviour as what's in place
 	for page-, swap- and dumpfiles.

 	Creation of container files will now make sure that there's room
 	in the fileheader to save metadata like geometry and write-protect
 	status. In previous versions this space was not always created (for
 	example when there was a default acl on the container file's parent
 	directory). This could also result in an SS$_HEADERFULL error
 	when creating the file.

 	A logical name pointing to the LD device can now be specified
 	when the device is connected:


 	If the optional Logicalname argument is specified a logical name
 	pointing to the device will be created in the process table.
 	Notice that the logical name will not be deassigned when the device
 	is disconnected.

 	Specifying the LD device to connect to is optional, and it works
 	also if an alternate controller is used without a unit number (for
 	example, LDB). So you can let the driver automatically select a
 	unitnumber when it's not specified, so this will work:


 	The file will then be connected to the next unitnumber on the B

 	Retrieving LD version information can now be done with the LD VERSION

 	The qualifier /NOFORCED_ERROR on an LD CONNECT command will allow the
 	LD device to prevent handling of forced errors and return an
 	SS$_UNSUPPORTED error if an attempt is made to create a forced error.
 	This can be used in testing host-based volume shadowing.

 	The qualifier /EXTEND on an LD CREATE command allows for extension
 	of an existing container file. Specify /SIZE=xxx to set the number
 	of blocks to extend the current	file to.

 	The control utility will now check if the driver is loaded, as well
 	as that it is installed with the correct privileges. If this is not
 	the case then a message will be given to execute LD$STARTUP.COM.
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