/SERVER=server-number Specifies the server number to assign to this proxy server. Specify an integer from 0 to 63. The proxy server first attempts to initialize using the specified server number. If an active server is already using the specified number, the proxy server tries the next lower number. This process is repeated until an unused server number is found or until the proxy server tries the number 0 and fails. If the number 0 fails and the number specified was not 63, the server number wraps and attempts are tried starting with the number 63. The process continues until all numbers have been tried. If all numbers are in use the proxy server fails to initialize and terminates. For managed proxy servers, the search for a free server number always starts at 63; any number specified by this qualifier is ignored. A standalone server started as a subprocess always prints out the server number finally used on SYS$ERROR. For standalone proxy servers that are detached processes, use the /FIXED_SERVER qualifier to force the server to use the specified server number or fail. Otherwise, there is no method to determine the server number actually used by the server. The default is /SERVER=63.