
    Specifies the optimizations to use for this proxy server. With
    the exception of the ALL and NONE options, each option has
    a NOoption form that disables the option. To enable a small
    number of options, use a combination of the NONE and the desired
    options. For example, /OPTIONS=(NONE,IMAGE) suppresses all
    optimization with the exception of image compression. To disable
    a small number of options, use a combination of the ALL and the
    undesired options. For example, /OPTIONS=(ALL,NOIMAGE,NOGRAPHICS)
    suppresses image and graphics optimization.

    ALL           Enables all optimizations. The ALL and NONE options
                  are mutually exclusive.
    NONE          Disables all optimizations. The ALL and NONE
                  options are mutually exclusive.
    [NO]ATOMS     Enables [disables] reading of the atoms control
                  file. The NOATOMS option is mutually exclusive with
                  the /ATOMS qualifier.
    [NO]GRABCMAP  Enables [disables] color map grabbing.
    [NO]COMP      Enables [disables] stream compression.
    [NO]DELTA     Enables [disables] delta request substitutions.
    [NO]GRAPHICS  Enables [disables] reencoding of graphics requests
                  (other than image-related requests).
    [NO]IMAGE     Enables [disables] image compression.
    [NO]INTERNSC  Enables [disables] short circuiting of InternAtom
    [NO]LBX       Enables [disables] all LBX optimizations
                  (equivalent to [NO]ATOMS, [NO]GRABCMAP,
                  [NO]GRAPHICS, [NO]IMAGE, [NO]INTERNSC, and
                  [NO]WINATTR). The [NO]LBX option is mutually
                  exclusive with any of the options controlled by
                  [NO]LBX. The NOLBX option is mutually exclusive
                  with the /ATOMS qualifier.
    [NO]RGB       Enables [disables] color name to RGB mapping in the
                  server. The NORGB option is mutually exclusive with
                  the /RGB qualifier.
    [NO]SQUISH    Enables [disables] squishing of X events.
    [NO]TAGS      Enables [disables] use of tags.
    [NO]WINATTR   Enables [disables] GetWindowAttributes/GetGeometry
                  grouping into one round trip.
    [NO]ZEROPAD   Enables [disables] zeroing out unused pad bytes in
                  X requests, replies, and events.

    The default is /OPTIONS=ALL.
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