HELPLIB.HLB  —  DELETE  file  Parameter

    Specifies the names of one or more files to be deleted from a
    mass storage disk volume. The first file specification must
    contain an explicit or default directory specification plus an
    explicit file name, file type, and version number. Subsequent
    file specifications need contain only a version number; the
    defaults will come from the preceding specification. The asterisk
    (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters can be used in
    any of the file specification fields.

    If you omit the directory specification or device name, the
    current default device and directory are assumed.

    If the file specification contains a null version number (a
    semicolon (;)  followed by no file version number), a version
    number of 0, or one or more spaces in the version number, the
    latest version of the file is deleted.

    If an input-file specification parameter is a symbolic link, the
    symbolic link itself is deleted.

    To delete more than one file, separate the file specifications
    with either commas (,)  or plus signs (+).
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