CSSM_Init - Initialize CSSM (CDSA)

   # include <cssm.h>

        const CSSM_VERSION *Version,
        const CSSM_GUID * CallerGuid,
        CSSM_KEY_HIERARCHY KeyHierarchy,
        CSSM_PVC_MODE *PvcPolicy,
        const void *Reserved)

   Common Security Services Manager library (CDSA$INCSSM300_SHR.EXE)

   Version (input)
           The major and minor version number of the CSSM release the
           application is compatible with.

   Scope (input)
           The scope of the global privilege value. The scope may either
           process scope wide (CSSM_PRIVILEGE_SCOPE_PROCESS) or thread
           wide (CSSM_PRIVILEGE_SCOPE_THREAD).  This parameter is ignored
           after the first call to CSSM_Init().

   CallerGuid (input)
           The GUID associated with the caller. This GUID is used to
           locate the caller's credentials when evaluating the request
           for privileges.

   KeyHierarchy (input)
           The CSSM_KEY_HIERARCHY option directing CSSM what embedded key
           to use when verifying integrity of the named module.

   PvcPolicy (input/output)
           Configures the way in which pointer validation checks will be
           performed. If not the first call to CSSM_Init(), the previously
           configured policy is returned in the PvcPolicy bitmask and the
           CSSM_Init() call continues processing. If successfully completed,
           the error code CSSMERR_CSSM_PVC_ALREADY_CONFIGURED is returned.

           Value   Description
           0       PVC validation is not performed
           1       PVC validation is performed on application modules
           2       PVC validation is performed on service provider modules
           3       Both types of PVC validations are performed

   Reserved (input)
           A reserved input.

   This function initializes CSSM and verifies that the version of CSSM
   expected by the application is compatible with the version of CSSM on
   the system. This function should be called at least once by the
   application. It is an error to call any function of the CSSM API other
   than CSSM_Init() before a call to CSSM_Init() has returned successfully
   (that is, with CSSM_OK).

   Implementations of CSSM might have platform specific characteristics
   associated with the implementation of CSSM_SetPrivilege() API. The
   privilege value might have thread specific scope or process specific
   scope.  The application can specify the anticipated scope at
   CSSM_Init(). If the anticipated scope is not appropriate for the
   implementation, an error is returned. The scope can be configured only
   once. Subsequent attempts to configure scope are ignored.

   CSSM integrity model includes the ability to make and check assertions
   about trusted dynamically loaded libraries. Checking assertions happens
   while the program executes. It is known as Pointer Validation Checking
   (PVC). Pointer validation checking can be applied every time execution
   flow crosses the CSSM API or SPI interfaces.

   Performing pointer validation checks has two purposes:

     ·  It allows exportation of CSSM.

     ·  It aids in detering unanticipated run-time modification of the

   The CSSM can be configured to bypass pointer validation under some
   circumstances.  Pointer validation cannot be bypassed when privileged
   operations are being performed.

   The prerequisites for performing PVC on another module, be it service
   provider, CSSM, or other library, are:

     ·  The module must have been signed and have an accompanying signed

     ·  The module must be loaded into process address space.

     ·  An entry-point into the module must be available.

   Typically, the entry points are discovered when a module's functions
   are called by another module. The CSSM performs pointer validation
   checks based on the configured checking policy. Checking policies are
   established by the manufacturers of CSSM and other libraries. The
   checking policy to be applied during execution is configured using the
   CSSM_Init() call. The policy can be configured once during the life of
   the process and occurs the first time CSSM_Init() is called.

   Pointer validation checking can be applied at the CSSM API interface,
   the CSSM SPI interface, or both. The CSSM vendor can configure a
   default policy through instructions contained in the CSSM signed
   manifest. Manifest attributes pertaining to pointer validation
   checking are defined as follows:

   Module   Tag            Value         Description
   ------   ---            -----         -----------
   CSSM     CDSA_PVC_API   unspecified   CSSM will perform PVC
                                         checks at the API boundary.

   CSSM     CDSA_PVC_API   OFF           CSSM will not perform PVC
                                         checks at the API boundary.

   CSSM     CDSA_PVC_SPI   unspecified   CSSM will perform PVC
                                         checks at the SPI boundary.

   CSSM     CDSA_PVC_SPI   OFF           CSSM will not perform PVC
                                         checks at the SPI boundary.

   App      CDSA_PVC_API   EXEMPT        The calling module is
                                         allowed to override the
                                         CSSM policy for the API

   App      CDSA_PVC_API   unspecified   The calling module cannot
                                         weaken the CSSM API policy.

   App      CDSA_PVC_SPI   EXEMPT        The calling module is
                                         allowed to override the
                                         CSSM policy for the SPI

   App      CDSA_PVC_SPI   unspecified   The calling module cannot
                                         weaken the CSSM SPI policy.

   The PvcPolicy parameter to CSSM_Init() configures the run-time policy
   for the process. The PvcPolicy parameter is a bitmask allowing both API
   and SPI policies to be specified simultaneously. Unspecified policies
   default to the most conservative operational mode. CSSM performs pointer
   validation checks unless explicitly disabled.  Application modules
   cannot override CSSM policy unless exemptions are explicitly granted.
   The following table shows the what policies can be configured for
   various manifest attribute values:

   CSSM Manifest        Calling Module Manifest   Acceptable PvcPolicy
   ------------         -----------------------   --------------------
   CDSA_PVC_API=<n/a>   CDSA_PVC_API=EXEMPT       API checks: off (0) or
                                                  on (1)

   CDSA_PVC_API=OFF     CDSA_PVC_API=EXEMPT       API checks: off (0) or
                                                  on (1)

   CDSA_PVC_API=<n/a>   CDSA_PVC_API=<n/a>        API checks: on (1)

   CDSA_PVC_API=OFF     CDSA_PVC_API=<n/a>        API checks: off (0) or
                                                  on (1)

   The following table shows the PvcPolicy configuations available for
   the SPI:

   SSM Manifest         Calling Module Manifest   Acceptable PvcPolicy
   ------------         -----------------------   --------------------
   CDSA_PVC_SPI=<n/a>   CDSA_PVC_SPI=EXEMPT       SPI checks: off (0) or
                                                  on (2)

   CDSA_PVC_SPI=OFF       CDSA_PVC_SPI=EXEMPT    SPI checks: off (0) or
                                                 on (2)

   CDSA_PVC_SPI=<n/a>     CDSA_PVC_SPI=<n/a>     SPI checks: on (2)

   CDSA_PVC_SPI=OFF       CDSA_PVC_SPI=<n/a>     SPI checks: off (0) or
                                                 on (2)

   If an application module does not have a manifest and CSSM requires
   the application module be subject to pointer validation checks, then
   pointer validation checks fail and CSSM will not operate with the
   anonymous module.  All service provider modules are expected to have
   signed manifests.

   A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particular
   error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All other values
   represent an error condition.

   Errors are described in the CDSA technical standard.  See CDSA.



   Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see CDSA)
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