1.ELV> DUMP /NODE=DUMBO /ENTRY=END:10 ERROR_FILE.SYS,ERRLOG.SYS The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in two input files, ERROR_FILE.SYS and ERRLOG.SYS, to an output dump file named ERROR_FILE.DMP. The name of the output file comes from the name of the first input file in the list. The selected events, which end with entry 10, are those that occurred on node DUMBO. 2.$ ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG/ELV DUMP /INCLUDE=(DEVICE_ERRORS,TIMEOUTS) /LOG The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named ERRLOG.DMP. The selected events include only the DEVICE_ERRORS and TIMEOUTS event classes. In addition, control and informational messages are output to the terminal. 3.ELV> DUMP /SINCE=22-MAY-2003:01:00:00.00 /BEFORE=24-MAY-2003:04:51:33.87 The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named ERRLOG.DMP. The selected events fall in the interval between the two specified dates. 4.ELV> DUMP /SINCE=22-MAY-2003:01:00:00.00 /BEFORE=24-MAY-2003:04:51:33.87 /REJECTED This example is identical to the previous example except that rejected events are written rather than selected events. The rejected events are those that fall outside the interval between the two specified dates. 5.$ ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG/ELV DUMP /INVALID /OUTPUT=OUTFILE.OUT The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from invalid events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named OUTFILE.OUT.