/REPAIR (default)

    When the volume is CHECKED (see above) the /REPAIR option will
    fix prolems that can be solved.

    Older versions of EFI$CP got the file lengths wrong. It also
    screwed up RENAME. The /CHECK option does essentially what EFICHK
    -F will do from the EFI shell.

    Use /NOCHECK or /WRITELOCK if you are concerned about changing
    the contents.

 EFI$CP> mount/log dva0:/override=identification
 %EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record
 %EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected
 %EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME  has been mounted
 -EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned

 EFI$CP> mount/log lda251: "NO NAME"
 %EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record
 %EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block
 %EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected
 %EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME  has been mounted
 -EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned

 EFI$CP> mount/log/override=id sys$loadable_images:sys$efi.sys -
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