The following functions are provided.

   IMPORT REGISTER   - Register the listed nodes into the specified
                       directory service.

   IMPORT MODIFY     - Make bulk changes to the nodes in the directory
                       service.  This provides a way to make a large
                       number of synonym or tower changes at one time.

   IMPORT UPDATE     - Register the listed nodes into the directory
                       service if they do not already exist, or modify
                       them if they do exist.  This provides a way to
                       make changes in one directory service based on
                       information in another directory service.

   IMPORT REPLACE    - Deregister any nodes that use the same synonyms
                       or towers as the listed nodes, and then register
                       the listed nodes into the directory service.  this
                       provides a way to make a large number of name
                       changes at one time.

   IMPORT VERIFY     - Check whether or not the information in the
                       directory service matches the listed nodes.

   IMPORT DEREGISTER - Deregister the listed nodes from the directory

 If no IMPORT function is specified, the IMPORT UPDATE function is assumed.
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