1.DBG> RUN EIGHTQUEENS Language: C, Module: EIGHTQUEENS This command brings the program EIGHTQUEENS under debugger control. 2.$ RUNPROG == "$ DISK3:[SMITH]MYPROG.EXE" $ DEBUG/KEEP . . . DBG> RUN/COMMAND="RUNPROG"/ARGUMENTS="X Y Z" The first line of this example creates a command symbol RUNPROG (at DCL level) to run an image named MYPROG.EXE. The second line starts the debugger. The debugger RUN command then brings the image MYPROG.EXE under debugger control. The /COMMAND qualifier specifies the command symbol previously created (in this case RUNPROG), and the /ARGUMENTS qualifier passes the arguments X Y Z to the image. 3.DBG> RUN/ARGUMENTS="X Y Z" MYPROG This command brings the program MYPROG.EXE under debugger control and passes the arguments X Y Z.