
    Specifies the display to be created or modified.

    If you are creating a new display, specify a name that is not
    already used as a display name.

    If you are modifying an existing display, you can specify any of
    the following entities:

    o  A predefined display:

          FREG (Alpha and Integrity servers only)

    o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

    o  A display built-in symbol:


    You must specify a display unless you use /GENERATE (parameter
    optional), or /REFRESH (parameter not allowed).

    You can specify more than one display, each with an optional
    window specification and display kind.


    Specifies the screen window at which the display is to be
    positioned. You can specify any of the following entities:

    o  A predefined window. For example, RH1 (right top half).

    o  A window definition previously established with the SET WINDOW

    o  A window specification of the form (start-line, line-count[,
       start-column, column-count]). The specification can include
       expressions which can be based on the built-in symbols %PAGE
       and %WIDTH (for example, %WIDTH/4).

    If you omit the window specification, the screen position depends
    on whether you are specifying an existing display or a new

    o  If you are specifying an existing display, the position of the
       display is not changed.

    o  If you are specifying a new display, it is positioned at
       window H1 or H2, alternating between H1 and H2 each time you
       create another display.


    Specifies the display kind. Valid keywords are as follows:

    DO                  Specifies an automatically updated output
    (command[; . . . ]) display. The commands are executed in the
                        order listed each time the debugger gains
                        control. Their output forms the contents of
                        the display. If you specify more than one
                        command, the commands must be separated by
    INSTRUCTION         Specifies an instruction display. If selected
                        as the current instruction display with the
                        SELECT/INSTRUCTION command, it displays the
                        output from subsequent EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION
    OUTPUT              Specifies an output display. If selected
                        as the current output display with the
                        SELECT/OUTPUT command, it displays any
                        debugger output that is not directed to
                        another display. If selected as the current
                        input display with the SELECT/INPUT command,
                        it echoes debugger input. If selected as the
                        current error display with the SELECT/ERROR
                        command, it displays debugger diagnostic
    REGISTER            Specifies an automatically updated register
                        display. The display is updated each time the
                        debugger gains control.
    SOURCE              Specifies a source display. If selected
                        as the current source display with the
                        SELECT/SOURCE command, it displays the
                        output from subsequent TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE
    SOURCE (command)    Specifies an automatically updated source
                        display. The command specified must be a
                        TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE command. The source
                        display is updated each time the debugger
                        gains control.

    You cannot change the display kind of the PROMPT display.

    If you omit the display-kind parameter, the display kind depends
    on whether you are specifying an existing display or a new

    o  If you specify an existing display, the display kind is not

    o  If you specify a new display, an OUTPUT display is created.
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