VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, SMTP  Multiple Recipients, OpenVMS list
    Generate an OpenVMS distribution list as follows:

    -  Create a .DIS file in your own directory or use an existing

    -  You can include comment lines (lines preceded by an
       exclamation mark [!]) in the .DIS list file.

    -  You can include both OpenVMS addresses and SMTP addresses.
       If you want the OpenVMS Mail utility to use SMTP for all
       SMTP addresses, qualified and unqualified, either set the
       MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name to SMTP, specify fully
       qualified SMTP addresses only, or use the SMTP% prefix with
       the destination enclosed in quotation marks.

    -  To send mail to the people on your distribution list, enter
       the following command:

       MAIL>  SEND
       To:  @list_name
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