Valid on Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays information about the specified Integrity servers image


       This command can be executed on an Alpha or Integrity server
       system, but it is designed only to display attributes of
       Integrity images. These attributes can be modified using the
       SET IMAGE command.


      SHOW IMAGE  image-filespec

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of an OpenVMS Integrity servers image file
    whose attributes you want to display. The asterisk (*)  and
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters are allowed in the file
    specification. If you omit the file type extension, the default
    file type .EXE is applied.

2  –  Description

    Displays information about an Integrity servers image file. The
    information displayed includes the image identification, the
    linker identification, and information indicating whether the
    image has been modified since the original link.

3  –  Qualifier

3.1    /OUTPUT


    Writes the SHOW IMAGE output to a specified file rather than
    to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. If you specify the /OUTPUT
    qualifier without a file specification, the output is directed to
    SYS$OUTPUT. If you omit the file type in the file specification,
    the default file type is .LIS. If you specify a file type and
    omit the file name, the default file name is SHOW. No wildcard
    characters are allowed in the file specification.

3.2    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of SHOW IMAGE information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    Keyword        Description

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.
    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier can store up to 5
    screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the
    /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate
    through the output:

    Key Sequence         Description

    Up arrow key,        Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key       Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key       Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key      Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)            Specify a string to find when the
                         information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)     Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)          Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)          Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)     Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),    Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter,       Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Space, F10, and      differently.)
    Help (F15)           Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)             Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
    Ctrl/W               Refresh the display.

4  –  Examples

      Show Image Version 1.2                   29-SEP-2004 07:52:08.41
      This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file

      Image Identification Information

                        Image name: PATCH
          Global Symbol Table name: PATCH
         Image file identification: X-6
        Image build identification: <unavailable>
               Link identification: Linker T02-14
                    Link Date/Time: 28-SEP-2004 07:49:17.57
                   Patch Date/Time: Never
            Manipulation Date/Time: 29-SEP-2004 07:51:58.73
        Image Dynamic Data Version: 1.1

      Image Completion Code Value: SUCCESS  State: Original

      Image Link Flags state: Manipulated

           Current Image Flags        Original Link Flags
           -------------------        -------------------
           IMGSTA                     CALL_DEBUG
           MAIN                       IMGSTA
           TBK_IN_IMG                 MAIN
           DBG_IN_IMG                 TBK_IN_IMG

           Image Link Flag   Description
           ---------------   -------------------------------------
           CALL_DEBUG      : Call debugger
           IMGSTA          : Call SYS$IMGSTA
           MAIN            : Image has main transfer
           TBK_IN_IMG      : Traceback records in image file
           DBG_IN_IMG      : Debug records in image file

      In this example, the SHOW IMAGE command displays the attributes
      of the file PATCH.EXE located in the current working directory.
      The image was modified from the original attributes on 29-SEP-

      The image link flags output indicates the image was changed to
      not call the debugger at image startup. The output also shows
      that the traceback symbols and the debugger symbols are present
      in the image file.

      The first line of output displays the version of SHOW IMAGE
      installed on the system. The line titled "Image Dynamic Data
      Version" shows the version of SHOW IMAGE that was available
      when the image was linked. Future updates to the Integrity
      servers ELF image format might cause the image dynamic data
      version to increase. When the image version does not match
      the SHOW IMAGE version, a new version of SHOW IMAGE might be
      required to display the new ELF format data.

      Show Image Version 1.2                   29-SEP-2004 07:59:48.07
      This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file

      Image Identification Information

                        Image name: DCLTABLES
          Global Symbol Table name: DCLTABLES
         Image file identification: 0-0
        Image build identification: XAAU-BL1-0000
               Link identification: Linker T02-02
                    Link Date/Time: 12-MAY-2004 14:39:38.30
                   Patch Date/Time: Never
            Manipulation Date/Time: Never
        Image Dynamic Data Version: <unavailable>

      Image Completion Code Value: SUCCESS  State: Original

      Image Link Flags state: <unavailable>

      This example lists the image information for the DCLTABLES.EXE
      file in SYS$LIBRARY. The <unavailable> string in the image
      dynamic data version line indicates that this image cannot be
      manipulated with the SET IMAGE command.
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