VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Unary Operators, Radix Control Operators
    Radix control operators determine the radix of a term or
    expression. MACRO-64 accepts terms or expressions in four
    different radixes: binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal. The
    default radix is decimal.



    A string of characters that is legal in the specified radix. The
    following are the legal characters for each radix:

    Format Name       Legal Characters

    ^Bnn   Binary     0 and 1
    ^Dnn   Decimal    0 to 9
    ^Onn   Octal      0 to 7
    ^Xnn   Hexadecimal0 to 9 and A to F

    You can include radix control operators in the source program
    anywhere a numeric value is legal. A radix control operator
    affects only the term immediately following it, causing that
    term to be evaluated in the specified radix. For example:

    .WORD   ^B00001101              ; Binary radix
    .WORD   ^D123                   ; Decimal radix (default)
    .WORD   ^O47                    ; Octal radix

    Do not place spaces or tabs between the circumflex (^), the radix
    specifier (B, D, O, or X), or the numeric value.
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