VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Source Statement Format, Comment Field
    The comment field contains text that explains the function of the
    statement. You can use comments to describe algorithms, reasons
    for selecting particular methods, and parameters passed to
    routines. Comments do not affect assembly processing or program

    The comment field must be preceded by a semicolon (;)  and can
    contain any printable ASCII character. It is terminated by the
    end of the line.

    A comment can appear on a line by itself. If a comment does
    not fit on one line, it can be continued on the next, but the
    continuation must be preceded by another semicolon.

    In the following source statement example, "Table stores expected
    values" is the comment field. Note that the comment field begins
    with a semicolon.

    EXP:    .BLKL   50          ; Table stores expected values
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