VMS Help  —  LICENSE  LIST  Examples

      This example displays a list of the names of product licenses
      in the License Database on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Note that
      the LMF Version shown refers to the software that created the

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

         License Management Facility  V1.2

         License Database File:       WORK2:[BACKUP]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
         Created on:                  20-JUL-2000
         Created by user:             USER_1
         Created by LMF Version:      V1.1

         Issuer:                      DEC
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-ALPHA
         Producer:                    DEC
         Units:                       500
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                 4-MAY-2001
         PAK Termination Date:        (none)
         Availability:                0
         Activity:                     000000100
         Options:                     MOD_UNITS
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER


      This example displays a list of the names of product licenses
      in the License Database on an OpenVMS Integrity server system.

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

        License Management Facility  V2.0

         License Database File:       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
         Created on:                  11-MAR-2010
         Created by user:             SYSTEM
         Created by LMF Version:      V2.0


         Issuer:                      HP
         Authorization:               USA-1715
         Product Name:                C
         Producer:                    HP
         Units:                       3
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Availability:                0
         Activity:                     000000001
         Options:                     IA64_ALPHA
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:18:59.95

         Issuer:                      HP
         Authorization:               I64-AB-001
         Product Name:                DVNETEXT
         Producer:                    HP
         Units:                       20
         Modified Units:              4
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Options:                     IA64, PCL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:29:42.18

         Issuer:                      HP
         Authorization:               I64-AB-004
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-I64-BOE
         Producer:                    HP
         Units:                       2
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Options:                     IA64, PCL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:33:26.19


      This example displays a listing with full information of a
      current Fortran license issued by HP.

      The first screen, shown here, displays the most recent license
      record for the Fortran license. To see the history records
      one screen at a time, press Return. The revision level of
      the displayed record is 2, and the status is Active. The
      next screen would display the previous license record with a
      revision level of 1 and a status of Extinct.

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

         License Management Facility  V1.2

         License Database File:   ART::SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB

         Created on:                  17-AUG-2000
         Created by user:             USER_2
         Created by LMF Version:      V1.2

         Issuer:                      DEC
         Authorization:               USA-2468
         Product Name:                FORTRAN
         Producer:                    DEC
         Units:                       0
         Modified Units:              2000
         Version:                     5.4
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2000
         Modified Termination Date:   30-NOV-2001
         Availability:                F (Layered Products)
         Activity:                    0
         Options:                     MOD_UNITS
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            DEGAS
         Modified on:                 19-AUG-2000 14:32:23.41
         Include:                     ART


      This example displays the full listing of a license that has
      been modified using the /VIRTUAL qualifier, for an OpenVMS
      guest system.

        License Management Facility  V2.0

        License Database File:       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
        Created on:                  1-MAR-2010
        Created by user:             SYSTEM
        Created by LMF Version:      V2.0


         Issuer:                      HP
         Authorization:               I64-AB-001
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-I64-HAOE
         Producer:                    HP
         Units:                       4
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        10-MAR-2011
         Options:                     IA64, PCL, VIRTUAL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 8-MAR-2010 16:45:00.32
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