
    Optional. Default: /NOCONFIRM

    Use only with either the /REPAIR or the /DELETE qualifier.

    When the software encounters a problem, it displays a description
    and solution. If you specify the /CONFIRM qualifier, the software
    then requests confirmation before making a correction or deleting
    each record. Enter one of the following:

    o  Y to repair the problem

    o  N to ignore the problem

    o  G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode

2    /DELETE

       /DELETE [=BEFORE=time | =SINCE=time]

    Optional. Default: Files not deleted.

    Deletes each control file without a corresponding queue entry.

    o  =BEFORE=time

       -  Deletes files created before the specified time.

       -  Default: Current date and time.

    o  =SINCE=time

       -  Deletes files created since the specified time.

       -  Default: Deletes all files.

    Use the /DELETE and /REPAIR qualifiers on the same command line
    only if their time frames do not conflict.

    The following command requeues lost mail created since yesterday
    and deletes all previous mail:


3    /HOLD


    Optional. Default: Immediate retransmission.

    Hold, until the specified time, lost control files that you

4    /LOG


    Optional. Default: [current_default_dir]:TCPIP$SMTP_ANALYZE.LOG.

    Writes the ANALYZE MAIL log to the specified file.

5    /REPAIR

       /NOREPAIR [=BEFORE=time | =SINCE=time]

    Optional. Default: /NOREPAIR.

    Corrects errors as follows:

    o  Resubmits for delivery each valid control file in the SMTP
       directory with no entry in an SMTP queue.

    o  Deletes each invalid control file (fails the internal
       consistency check) and the corresponding queue entry.

    o  Either requeues or deletes messages placed on hold.

    Supports the following options:

    o  =BEFORE=time

       -  Deletes files created before the specified time.

       -  Default: Current date and time.

    o  =SINCE=time

       -  Deletes files created since the specified time.

       -  Default: Deletes all files.

    Do not use /REPAIR with /DELETE if their time frames conflict.
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