
    Displays startup procedures as they execute. This qualifier
    defines the system parameter STARTUP_P2 to have the appropriate
    value based on the options you choose. (/VERIFY with no value
    following it is the equivalent of /VERIFY=full.)

    /VERIFY options are in the following table:

    Value   Description

    FULL    Displays every line of DCL executed by startup component
            procedures and by STARTUP.COM.

            The value of the system parameter STARTUP_P2 that
            corresponds to this option is "V".
    PARTIAL Displays every line of DCL executed by startup component
            procedures, but does not display DCL executed by

            The value of the system parameter STARTUP_P2 that
            corresponds to this option is "P".


       All STARTUP_P2 parameter values modified by the SYSMAN
       STARTUP OPTIONS will be overridden by the AUTOGEN command
       procedure. To preserve any parameter modifications made with
       SYSMAN, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file, as explained
       in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
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