NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  event_dispatcher, outbound_stream, Status
 o  buffer size

    Maximum number of octets allowed for event processing of this
    stream. This value is defined in the create command for the

 o  state

    Status of the outbound stream.

    off                  The stream is disabled.

    on                   The stream is enabled.

    onconnected          The stream is enabled and has an established

    onconnecting         The stream is enabled and is in the process of
                         establishing a connection.

    ondisconnecting      The stream is enabled, but is in the process of
                         disconnecting from a connection.

    onshutdownrequested  The stream is enabled and has an established
                         connection, but is in the process of shutting
                         down; the stream will disconnect after it
                         transmits all events that were outstanding when
                         the shutdown command was issued.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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