NCLHELP.HLB  —  Network Management, Tools  Decnet Register, Examples
    The following example demonstrates how to modify a pre-existing
    LOCAL registration using decnet_register's command line interface:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    modify node LOCAL:.logic directory_service LOCAL -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.6,SC3/TP4/24.6}
    show node LOCAL:.logic directory_service LOCAL full

    The following example shows how to register a Phase V
    node in the LOCAL namespace, explicitly specifying
    session control Version 3 for NSP.  If the session
    version is not specified, NSP towers will still
    default to SC2, and OSI towers will default to SC3:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    register node LOCAL:.newno1 directory_service LOCAL -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.224,TP4/24.224} synonym newno1
    show node LOCAL:.newno1 directory_service LOCAL full

    This example shows how to use decnet_register from
    an OpenVMS node to register a Phase V node in the
    WINTER namespace.  The node being registered is
    an OpenVMS node that is configured to run NSP,
    OSI Transport Class 4, and OSI Transport Class 2 for
    DECnet over IP:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    register node WINTER:.xpr.newno1 directory_service DECdns -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.224,TP4/24.224,TP2/IP=} -
    synonym newno1
    show node Winter:.xpr.newno1 directory_service DECdns full

    Note that only decnet_register on OpenVMS accepts IP
    tower registrations, and those registrations must be
    made in the DECdns directory service.  IP towers cannot
    be registered in the LOCAL namespace.  Furthermore,
    decnet_register does not handle Domain (Bind) registrations.
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