NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Syntax  Entity Names
    Entities are specified by their full name in the entity hierarchy
    and consist of one or more class/instance pairs. For example, the
    routing circuit reachable address entity is one of the subentities
    that comprises the Routing module. The Reachable Address entity is
    subordinate to the Routing Circuit entity, which is subordinate
    to the top-level Routing entity in the Routing module. An example
    of the entity's full name is:

    node 0 routing circuit ether-1 reachable address foo

    Node 0 is a class/instance pair for the global Node entity. Node
    0 is a designation for the local system and is the default value
    for the NCL commands. The "node node-name" element in an NCL command
    is thus not required when the operation to be performed is for an
    entity on the local system.

    For a diagram of the entity heirarchy, refer to HELP
    ENTITY_HIERARCHY.  For more information on specifying the global
    Node entity in an NCL command, refer to HELP NCL SYNTAX
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