Known Content-types:
 Content-Type: text/html
 Content-Type: text/plain
    Edit Command: EDIT/TPU
 Content-Type: message/rfc822
 Content-Type: image/*
    View Command:  $SYS$SYSTEM:XV.EXE %s

 This example shows there are four "Known Content-types" or types of
 MIME messages the MIME utility can read. Three are of the type
 "text" and one is of the type "image". Their respective subtypes
 are "HTML," "PLAIN" and "RFC822". The fourth type is "image" and
 the wildcard (*) indicates that any subtype of image, (for example,
 .JPEG or .GIF), can be displayed on this system using the X-Viewer
 application ($SYS$SYSTEM:XV.EXE).

 The editor is set to EDIT/EDT for the text/plain MIME messages. This
 is the default MIME editor unless specified within MAIL, defined by
 MAIL$EDIT logical, or set in the MIME$MAILCAP.DAT file. Refer to the
 NEW or EDIT command /EDIT qualifier for further information about
 setting the editor.

 See MIME$MAILCAP.DAT and the examples for more information.
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