
    Controls the behavior of all directory wildcard searches used
    in the RMS$SEARCH service. Note that these directory wildcards
    are not overridden by command qualifiers or other explicit RMS
    characteristics. Keyword options are:

    Keyword      Explanation

    NOWILDCARD   Indicates that symlinks are disabled during
                 directory wildcard searches.
    WILDCARD     Indicates that symlinks are enabled during wildcard
    NOELLIPSIS   Indicates that symlinks are matched for all wildcard
                 fields except for ellipsis.
    ELLIPSIS     Equivalent to WILDCARD (included for command

    On the command line, you can set a flag to select the /SYMLINK
    qualifier. It uses the keywords DEFAULT, [NO]WILDCARD,
    [NO]ELLIPSIS, and [NO]TARGET. In addition, /SYMLINK
    and /NOSYMLINK without any keywords are interpreted as
    /SYMLINK=NOTARGET and /SYMINK=TARGET, respectively.
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