Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  RPC  rpccp  remove_mapping, OPTIONS
         -b Declares a string binding (required).  You must also
            specify an interface identifier (using the -i option).
            Each command accepts up to 32 -b options.

            The value has the form of an RPC string binding, without
            an object UUID, for example:

            -b ncadg_ip_udp:[5347]

            Note that depending on your system, string binding
            delimiters such as brackets ([ ]) may need to be preceded
            by an escape symbol (\) or placed within quotation marks
            (' ' or " "). Requirements vary from system to system,
            and you must conform to the usage rules of a system.

         -i Declares an interface identifier (required).  Only one
            interface can be removed in a single operation.  The
            interface identifier has the following form:

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