HELPLIB.HLB  —  POSIX Threads, PTHREAD routines, pthread_attr_setinheritsched, Description
    This routine changes the inherit scheduling attribute of the
    thread attributes object specified by the attr argument. The
    inherit scheduling attribute specifies whether a thread created
    using the specified attributes object inherits the scheduling
    attributes of the creating thread, or uses the scheduling
    attributes stored in the attributes object specified by the
    pthread_create() attr argument.

    The first thread in an application has a scheduling policy of
    SCHED_OTHER. See the pthread_attr_setschedparam() and pthread_
    attr_setschedpolicy() routines for more information on valid
    priority values and valid scheduling policy values.

    Inheriting scheduling attributes (instead of using the scheduling
    attributes stored in the attributes object) is useful when a
    thread is creating several helper threads-that is, threads
    that are intended to work closely with the creating thread to
    cooperatively solve the same problem. For example, inherited
    scheduling attributes ensure that helper threads created in
    a sort routine execute with the same priority as the calling
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