/MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM mounts a volume assuming the media to be ISO
    9660 (or High Sierra) formatted.

    The /MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM qualifier instructs the mount subsystem
    to attempt to mount a volume assuming the media to be ISO 9660
    (or High Sierra) formatted.


       This qualifier specifies a CD-ROM mount (ISO 9660 or High
       Sierra). Specify this qualifier when a volume is known to be
       in either ISO 9660 or High Sierra CD-ROM format.

       The Mount command attempts to read a CD-ROM in Files-11
       ODS-2 format by default. This qualifier prevents the Mount
       command from attempting a Files-11 ODS-2 mount sequence.

       Because it is possible to record parts of a CD-ROM in Files-
       11 ODS-2 and other parts in ISO 9660 format, this qualifier
       can be used to specify a CD-ROM mount (ISO 9660 or High

    /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION enables and controls data compaction
    and data record blocking on tape drives that support data

    The /MEDIA_FORMAT qualifier allows you to mount a tape and enable
    data compaction and record blocking on a tape drive that supports
    data compaction. Data compaction and record blocking increase the
    amount of data that can be stored on a single tape.

    Records can either be compacted and blocked, or they can be
    recorded in the same way that they would be recorded on a
    noncompacting tape drive. Note that for compacting tape drives,
    once data compaction or noncompaction has been selected for a
    given tape, that status applies to the entire tape.

    The /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION qualifier is incompatible with
    the /DENSITY qualifier.

    For Files-11 tapes, when you enable data compaction, caching is
    automatically enabled.


       The /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION qualifier is meaningful
       only for foreign mounts.

       The /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION qualifier has no effect
       on a Files-11 tape. The compaction state of a Files-11 tape
       is determined by the state established when the tape is


    The following command performs a foreign mount of a tape with
    data compaction and record blocking enabled and assigns the
    logical name BOOKS to the tape:


    The following MOUNT command attempts a Files-11 mount of a tape
    labeled BOOKS with data compaction and record blocking enabled.
    Because the tape was initialized with compaction disabled, the
    MOUNT qualifier /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION has no effect.

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