HELPLIB.HLB  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Supplied Library Macros, $ROUTINE  Description
    $ROUTINE defines a routine, makes it the current routine, and
    performs the following actions:

    o  Creates and associates a linkage section, code section, and
       data section with the routine.

    o  Defines a procedure descriptor and optional signature block in
       accordance with the values of macro arguments.

    o  Optionally stores a pointer to the data section within the
       linkage section.

    o  Creates the following numeric and lexical symbols:

       Symbol      Description

       $CS         Address at start of the current routine's code
       $DS         Address at start of the current routine's data
       $DP         Optional address of a pointer to the current
                   routine's data section. This symbol has a value
                   that is an address in the current routine's
                   linkage section at which the $ROUTINE macro has
                   placed the address of the data section ($DS) as

                   $DP = .
                   .ADDRESS $DS

                   $DP enables you to access the data area of the
                   current routine from its linkage section.
       $LS         Address of the current routine's linkage section.
       $SIZE       Size of fixed area of stack frame of the current
                   routine. This symbol is valid only with STACK and
                   REGISTER routines.
       $RSA_       The offset within the fixed-stack area to the
       OFFSET      register save area. This symbol is valid only with
                   STACK routines.
       $RSA_END    The offset within the fixed-stack area to the the
                   first byte beyond the end of the register save
                   area (if any).
       $CODE$      A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's
                   code psect name and attributes.
       $DATA$      A lexical symbol that defines the routine's data
                   psect name and attributes.
       $LINK$      A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's
                   linkage psect name and attributes.

    o  Optionally generates a standard instruction prologue sequence
       at the beginning of the code section.

       If you specify /NAMES=AS_IS on the command line, all but
       the last three of these symbols are defined in both complete
       uppercase and complete lowercase. These symbols are intended
       for your use outside of the macros themselves. For example,
       the values of these numeric symbols may be useful as a
       mnemonic when coding an instruction with a register as in
       the following example:

        lda   SP,-$SIZE(SP)

       The last three symbols, $CODE$, $DATA$, and $LINK$, are only
       defined in uppercase. They are used by the $ROUTINE macro
       for the default code, data, and linkage section psect names
       and attributes. You can define these symbols before invoking
       $ROUTINE to alter the default program sections as follows:




       These statements cause $ROUTINE to use the previous psect
       names and attributes by default. If you specify any of the
       your invocation of $ROUTINE, $ROUTINE uses the psect name and
       attributes specified with the argument.

       In addition, $ROUTINE redefines the corresponding $CODE$,
       $DATA$, or $LINK$ lexical string symbol to the value
       you specify when you specify any of the CODE_SECTION,
       DATA_SECTION, or LINKAGE_SECTION arguments with $ROUTINE.
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