HELPLIB.HLB  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Numbers  Integers
    You can use integers in any expression, including expressions in
    operands and in direct assignment statements.


    An optional sign: plus sign (+)  for positive numbers (the
    default), or minus sign (-) for negative numbers.


    A string of numeric characters that is legal for the specified

    MACRO-64 interprets all integers in the source program as decimal
    unless the number is preceded by a radix control operator.

    Integers must be in the range of -263 to +263 -1 for signed data

    or in the range of 0 to 264 -1 for unsigned data.

    Negative numbers must be preceded by a minus sign; MACRO-64
    translates such numbers into two's complement form. In positive
    numbers, the plus sign is optional.
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