You can use a floating-point number in the .DOUBLE, .FLOAT, .F_FLOATING, .D_FLOATING, .G_FLOATING, .S_FLOATING, and .T_FLOATING directives. You cannot use a floating-point number in an expression or with a unary or binary operator except the unary plus and unary minus. You can specify a floating-point number with or without an exponent. FORMAT Floating-point number without exponent: snn snn.nn snn. Floating-point number with exponent (E): snnEsnn snn.nnEsnn snn.Esnn s An optional sign. nn A string of decimal digits in the range of 0 to 9. The decimal point can appear anywhere to the right of the first digit. A floating-point number cannot start with a decimal point because MACRO-64 treats the number as a user-defined symbol.