HELPLIB.HLB  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Directives  .NCHR  Examples
      Example 1
      The macro definition is as follows:

        .MACRO   CHAR    MESS                  ; Define MACRO
        .NCHR    CHRCNT,<MESS>      ; Assign value to CHRCNT
        .WORD    CHRCNT                        ; Store value
        .ASCII   "MESS"                        ; Store characters
        .ENDM    CHAR                          ; Finish
      Example 2
      The macro calls and expansions of the macro previously defined
      are as follows:

        CHAR     <HELLO>                        ; CHRCNT will = 5
        .NCHR    CHRCNT,<HELLO>                 ; Assign value to CHRCNT
        .WORD    CHRCNT                          ; Store value
        .ASCII   "HELLO"                         ; Store characters

        CHAR     <14, 75.39  4>                 ; CHRCNT will = 12(dec)
        .NCHR    CHRCNT,<14, 75.39  4>          ; Assign value to CHRCNT
        .WORD    CHRCNT                          ; Store value
        .ASCII   "14, 75.39  4"                  ; Store characters
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