Invokes the MACRO-64 Assembler for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. MACRO-64
    is an assembly language for programming Alpha computers.
    Source programs written in MACRO-64 are translated into object
    (or binary) code by the MACRO-64 Assembler, which produces an
    object module and, optionally, a listing file.


         The MACRO-64 product does not ship with the OpenVMS
         operating system. (Only this help file and the DCL
         command are included in the base system.) You must
         install MACRO-64 from the Freeware CD-ROM.

    To invoke MACRO-64, enter the MACRO command and the /ALPHA
    command-line qualifier, using the following syntax:

    MACRO/ALPHA  file-spec[, . . . ]

    You must specify the /ALPHA command-line qualifier
    before any other command-line parameters, qualifiers, or file

    If you do not specify a file type for an input file, the
    assembler uses the default file type of .M64.

    You can specify one or more source files to be assembled. To
    assemble files individually, separate the file specifications
    with commas. To concatenate and assemble the files as a single
    input file, separate the file specifications with plus signs

    Command-line qualifiers control special assembler options.
    Assembler options can apply to the entire MACRO/ALPHA
    command-line, or to the individual file being assembled. When
    the qualifier follows the MACRO/ALPHA command, it applies
    to all files listed. For more information on qualifiers, see the
    Qualifiers on-line help section.
Additional Information: explode extract
Qualifiers Source Statement Format Character Set Numbers Quoted Literals Symbols Temporary Labels Within Source Code Label Addresses Terms and Expressions Unary Operators Binary Operators Direct Assignment Statements Current Location Counter Lexical Operators Macros Program Sections Automatic Data Alignment Directives Supplied Library Macros MACRO-64 Alpha Architecture Quick Reference Using LSE with MACRO-64 Error Messages Example Location
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