1.$ ENCRYPT /CREATE_KEY HAMLET _ Key value: "And you yourself shall keep the key of it" This example defines a DES key named HAMLET with the character string value "And you yourself shall keep the key of it". 2.$ ENCRYPT /CREATE_KEY /HEXADECIMAL ARCANE 2F4A98F46BBC11DC This example defines a DES key named ARCANE with hexadecimal value of 2F4A98F46BBC11DC.) 3.$ ENCRYPT /CREATE_KEY MYKEY "The 16 char. key" /LOG/AES This example defines an AES key named MYKEY with the minimum 16-character string value "The 16 char. key" that is required for AESxxx128, logging its successful creation. The key is encrypted with AES prior to storage in the PROCESS (default) logical name table. 4.$ SHOW LOGICAL ENC* /TABLE=ENCRYPT$KEY_STORE LNM$PROCESS_TABLE "ENCRYPT$KEY$MYKEY" = "ê¢É.à0S%M.....ÕSBò¼¶í.}â0ÓL.ñ.Z" LNM$JOB_8210B400 LNM$GROUP_000001 ENCRYPT$SYSTEM This example shows that key names are prepended with ENCRYPT$KEY$, as in the named key ENCRYPT$KEY$MYKEY.