Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  DECnet-Plus  DCL Commands, APPEND  Qualifiers
    The availability of APPEND command qualifiers for the
    APPEND/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command varies for local and
    remote files. For local FTAM (RMS) files, the FTAM append utility
    supports most of the DCL APPEND command qualifiers. For remote
    files, only a few of those qualifiers are supported.

    For APPEND command qualifiers used with local files, the FTAM ap-
    pending utility generally implements standard RMS default values
    and actions. The exceptions are indicated by the term "nonstan-
    dard" in the qualifier descriptions.

    Any APPEND command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as
    a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the
    APPEND command.
Additional Information: explode extract

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