
    Specifies attributes for the logical name table. If you specify
    only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. If you do not
    specify the /ATTRIBUTES qualifier, no attributes are set.

    You can specify the following keywords for attributes:

    CONFINE    Specifies that the table name and the logical names
               contained in the table are not copied into a spawned
               subprocess. This keyword can be used only when creating
               a private logical name table. If a table is created
               with the CONFINE attribute, all names subsequently
               entered into the table are also confined.
    NO_ALIAS   Specifies that no identical names (either logical
               names or names of logical name tables) can be created
               in an outer (less privileged) mode in the current
               directory. Unless you specify the NO_ALIAS attribute,
               the table can be "aliased" by an identical name created
               in an outer access mode. This attribute deletes any
               previously created identical table names in an outer
               access mode in the same logical name table directory.
    SUPERSEDE  Creates a new table that supersedes any previous
               (existing) table that contains the name, access mode,
               and directory table that you specify. The new table
               is created regardless of whether the previous table
               exists. (If you do not specify the SUPERSEDE attribute,
               the new table is not created if the previous table
               exists.) This attribute applies to all types of logical
               name tables except clusterwide logical name tables.

               Whether or not you specify SUPERSEDE, the following
               conditions apply:

               o  You cannot create a new clusterwide logical name
                  table with the same name and access mode as an
                  existing clusterwide logical name table until you
                  delete the existing table.

               o  If you specify a new clusterwide logical name table
                  with the same name and access mode as an existing
                  local logical name table, the new clusterwide
                  logical name table is created, and the local table
                  and its logical names are deleted.

               If you specify or accept the default for the qualifier
               /LOG, you receive a message indicating the result.
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