Directs the linker to generate debug and traceback information
    and to give the debugger control when the image is run.



      /NODEBUG (default)

1  –  Qualifier Values

 file-spec (Alpha and VAX only)

    Identifies a user-written debugger module.

    If you specify the /DEBUG qualifier without entering a file
    specification, the OpenVMS Debugger gains control at run time.
    Requesting the OpenVMS Debugger does not affect the location of
    code within the image because the debugger is mapped into the
    process address space at run time, not at link time. See the HP
    OpenVMS Debugger Manual for additional information.

    On I64 systems, a file specification is not allowed.

    On Alpha and VAX, if you specify the /DEBUG qualifier with a
    file specification, the user-written debugger module that the
    file specification identifies gains control at run time. The
    linker assumes a default file type of .OBJ. Requesting a user-
    written debugger module does affect the location of code within
    the image.
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