/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  Getinput
   Getinput is a replacement for INQUIRE and/or "READ SYS$COMMAND"
   Commonly used options in DCL routines, can be handled by Getinput.
   Getinput reads user input from SYS$COMMAND and returns the given
   OutputSymbol with this input. Getinput is able to compare the
   input to given valid answers. Options as echo/noecho and timeout
   are also available.

   Format:  GETINPUT OutputSymbol


   1. Getinput returns the given input into the given OutputSymbol.

   2. Getinput creates a status symbol GETINPUT_STATUS:

   SUCCES     Getinput has ended successfully
   CTRLZ      The userinput was CTRL-Z
   TIMEOUT    The user did not give any userinput within the timeout period
   ERROR      Getinput ended with errors
   TRUNCATED  Getinput has ended successfully, but the input is truncated

1  –  Parameter

   Getinput has one parameter, the OutputSymbol to receive the userinput.
   This parameter is required except for /RESET and /ENTER.

2  –  Special input characters

   The user can use two special characters to perform certain functions:

   ?     to get help information about the input format.
   #     to create a subprocess to execute DCL commands.

2.1  –  Examples

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /TYPE=INTEGER/DEFAULT=5/PROMPT="Geef een getal"
   Geef een getal [5]: #
   %GIP-I-SPAWNED> show time
     24-NOV-2006 11:25:40
   %GIP-I-SPAWNED> logo
     Process TEST_2 logged out at 24-NOV-2006 11:25:43.43
   Geef een getal [5]: # show time
     24-NOV-2006 11:25:46
   Geef een getal: 12

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /TYPE=INTEGER/DEFAULT=5/PROMPT="Geef een getal"
   Geef een getal [5]: ?
   %GIP-I-HELP, the input must be an integer value
   Geef een getal [5]: 34

3    /RESET


   Getinput saves settings as facility, so there is no need to specify
   these settings every time getinput is called.
   To reset these settings to the default value use /RESET.


   /DEFAULT="default value"

   When a default value is needed, use /DEFAULT. When the user hits
   the ENTER key, without input, the default value will be assigned
   to <OutputSymbol>. The default value will be included in the
   prompt string between "[" and "]", see /PROMPT.

5    /PROMPT

   /PROMPT="Prompt string"

   When no prompt string is specified, the prompt will be ": ".
   To use your own prompt, use /PROMPT="String". When a default value
   is given, this will be placed into the prompt string.

5.1  –  Example

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /PROMPT="Enter a value between 0-10"/DEFAULT=5

   The prompt will be:

   Enter a value between 0-10 [5]:



   Every OpenVMS message has a facility prefix. To use your own,
   use /FACILITY="Facility string" at the Getinput command line.
   The current facility string will be saved in a logical, so you
   need to set the facility prefix only once. To reset to the default
   facility GIP use /RESET.

6.1  –  Example

   The default facility prefix for Getinput is "GIP". So when the
   following command is given, you get an error message.

   %GIP-F-DEFERR, default has to be numeric

   %MYOWN-F-DEFERR, default has to be numeric

7    /TYPE


   When the user is only allowed to enter an integer as answer,
   use /TYPE=INTEGER. The user is then prompted for an integer answer.


   When the user is only allowed to enter a valid OpenVMS date
   as answer, use /TYPE=DATE. The user is then prompted for a date
   as answer.

   As input TODAY, TOMORROW and YESTERDAY are also accepted.


   When the user is only allowed to enter a valid OpenVMS file
   specification as answer, use /TYPE=FILE. The user is then prompted
   for a valid file specification.

7.1  –  Examples

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /TYPE=INTEGER/PROMPT="Enter an integer"
   Enter an integer: test
   %GIP-W-INPERR, input has to be numeric
   Enter an integer: 6
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol

   (Getinput always returns a string symbol, even with /TYPE=INTEGER)

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /TYPE=DATE/PROMPT="Enter start date"
   Enter start date: test
   %GIP-W-IVATIME, invalid absolute time - use DD-MMM-YYYY format
   Enter start date: tomorrow
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "24-NOV-2006"

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /TYPE=FILE/PROMPT="Give output file"
   Give output file: &
   %GIP-W-NOFILE, no valid file specification given
   Give output file: test.log
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "test.log"

8    /VALID


   Getinput can compare the user input to valid possibilities specified
   with /VALID.

   Options are:

   /VALID=(str1,str2,str3)       As user input only the valid
                                 strings are accepted. When the
                                 user input is unique, only the
                                 unique part is needed, see examples.
   /VALID=(2,4,6)                As user input only the strings
                                 2, 4 and 6 are accepted.
   /VALID=(1,10)                 As user input only the strings
                                 1 and 10 are accepted.
   /VALID=(1,10)/TYPE=INTEGER    As user input an integer from
                                 1 to 10 is accepted.
   /VALID=(1,10)/TYPE=INT/NORANG As user input the integers 1 and 10
                                 are accepted.

8.1  –  Examples

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /VALID=(yes,no)/PROMPT="Continue"
   Continue: JA
   %GIP-W-INPERR, input has to be in the VALID list
   Continue: ?
   %GIP-I-HELP, the input must be chosen from the following list: YES,NO
   Continue: y
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /VALID=(1,5)/TYPE=INT/PROMPT="Kies een optie"
   Kies een optie: 0
   %GIP-W-INPERR, input has to be in the VALID list
   Kies een optie: yes
   %GIP-W-INPERR, input has to be numeric
   Kies een optie: ?
   %GIP-I-HELP, the input must be an integer value from 1 to 5
   Kies een optie: 5
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol

9    /RANGE


   When /TYPE=INTEGER and /VALID are used together, you see the following

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /VALID=(1,5)/TYPE=INTEGER

     In this example, OutputSymbol may have a value from 1 util 5.
     When there only two integers in the valid list, /RANGE is default.

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /VALID=(2,4,6)/TYPE=INTEGER

     In this example, OutputSymbol may have the value 2, 4, or 6.
     When there are more than two integers in the valid list, /NORANGE
     is default.

   So when the following is needed,

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /VALID=(2,4)/TYPE=INTEGER

   and you want OutputSymbol to be 2 or 4, use /NORANGE to tell this

10    /LINE


   To position the prompt string on a fixed line on the screen
   use /LINE. PROMPT=n, positions the prompt string on the
   given line, and MESSAGE=n, positions the GETINPUT messages on
   the given line, When message is not specified, the message
   position will be directly below the prompt string.

11    /LENGTH

   /LENGTH=(Minimum length,Maximum length)
   /LENGTH=Fixed length

   When the user is requested to give a string or an integer with
   a fixed, or specified length, use /LENGTH

11.1  –  Example

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /LENGTH=(8,12)/PROMPT="Enter a password"
   Enter a password: thisisatestpassword
   %GIP-W-LENERR, input is more than maximum length
   Enter a password: thisis
   %GIP-W-LENERR, input is less than minimum length
   Enter a password: thisisatest
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "thisisatest"

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /LENGTH=(1,2)/TYPE=INTEGER/PROMPT="What value"
   What value: 123
   %GIP-W-LENERR, input is more than maximum length
   What value: 56
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "56"


   /TRUNCATE=confirm (Default)

   Truncate can only be used together with /LENGTH.
   When the given input is to large, it will be truncated to
   the maximum length. /TRUNCATE=noconfirm will truncate
   without asking, but the symbol GETINPUT_STATUS will be
   set to TRUNCATED.

12.1  –  Example

   $ GETINPUT OutputSymbol /LENGTH=(8,12)/TRUNCATE/PROMPT="Enter a password"
   Enter a password: thisisatestpassword
   Input is to long, truncate to "thisisatestp" (Yes,No,Quit) <Yes>: N
   Enter a password: thisisatestpassword
   Input is to long, truncate to "thisisatestp" (Yes,No,Quit) <Yes>:
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "thisisatestp"

                           /PROMPT="Enter a password"
   Enter a password: thisisatestpassword
   %GIP-I-TRUNC, input truncated to thisisatestp
   $ show symbol OutputSymbol
     OUTPUTSYMBOL = "thisisatestp"
   $ show symbol getinput_status


   /LANGUAGE=Message language

   Default all the messages are given in English. To get them in an
   other language, use /LANGUAGE.

   Valid languages are DUTCH, NEDERLANDS or ENGLISH

14    /ENTER


   Using /ENTER is a short for the following command:

   $ GETINPUT /PROMPT="Hit ENTER to continue"


   $ GETINPUT /PROMPT="Geef ENTER om verder te gaan"/DUTCH



   To return the given input always in uppercase use /UPPERCASE.
   Default the case is preserved.

16    /ECHO

   /ECHO (default)

   Controls whether the terminal displays the input it receives.
   With the /NOECHO qualifier, the terminal does not displays the
   user input.

   Use /NOECHO to suppress the user input on the terminal

   (/NOECHO and /TRUNCATE cannot be used together)

17    /TIMEOUT

   /TIMEOUT=Timeout value (in seconds)

   When the user does not give input, Getinput will terminate after
   the given timeout value and the symbol GETINPUT_STATUS will be set
   to TIMEOUT.
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