Alters threshold triggering for monitored devices. Thresholds can
   be entered either by device name or by device type.

   [/NAME=dev-name][/TYPE=dev-type]/CLASS=severity[/DSE][/CUSTOMER] count

1    /NAME


   Provides a device name for the command, where dev-name is a valid
   device name. Either the /TYPE or /NAME qualifier must be present.

2    /TYPE


   Provides a device type for the command, where dev-type is a valid
   device type. Issue SHOW TYPES to list the valid device types.
   Either the /TYPE or /NAME qualifier must be present.

3    /CLASS


   The /CLASS qualifier is required. It specifies the level of
   severity by one of the following keywords:
     - HARD  (A device could not recover data)
     - SOFT  (A device that may have recovered data)
     - INFO  (Indicates informational events on a device)
     - MEDIA (Indicates events related to storage media)

4    /DSE

   Performed analysis when a device crosses this threshold.

   When thresholds are crossed, the external notification procedures
   are invoked. Thresholds are set for different severity levels of

   Either the /DSE or /CUSTOMER qualifier must be present.


   Notifies the customer when a device crosses this threshold.

   When thresholds are crossed, the external notification procedures
   are invoked.  Thresholds are set for different severity levels of

   Either the /DSE or /CUSTOMER qualifier must be present.

6  –  count

   The threshold value to be set for the specified device or device
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