Resets the analysis information for a repaired device, allowing the
   fault manager to start fresh analysis of the device. Failure to enter
   this command after repairing a device causes the fault manager to
   suppress notification of new problems or to incorrectly call out a
   nonexistent fault.

   REPAIR /NAME=dev-name /DATE=time "repair-action"

1    /NAME


   Indicates the name of the device that is repaired or replaced. This
   qualifier is required.

2    /DATE


   Indicates the date and time a repair action was performed. Time can
   be specified as an absolute time or it can be specified by the
   keywords TODAY or YESTERDAY. This qualifier is required.

   time:       (DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC) or (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.CC)

3  –  repair action

   A quoted string that describes the repair action, for example,
   "Replaced drive with new one. Fred Smith"
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