Saves the EVE default attributes and menu definitions by creating a
  section file or by creating or updating a command file.

  This is useful if you set attributes or otherwise customized EVE and want
  to restore standard EVE settings---for example, to have a standard EVE
  section file or command file.

  Usage notes:

  o  The following table shows the effects on SAVE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES
     depending on whether you set a default section file and whether section
     file prompting is enabled or disabled:

     Section file settings           Effects with SAVE ATTRIBUTES
     SET DEFAULT SECTION FILE        Asks whether to save in a section
     SET SECTION FILE PROMPTING      file. If you respond Yes, EVE then
                                     saves in your default section file.

     SET DEFAULT SECTION FILE        Saves in your default section file
     SET NOSECTION FILE PROMPTING    without any further prompting.

     SET NODEFAULT SECTION FILE      (Defaults.)   Asks whether to save in
     SET SECTION FILE PROMPTING      a section file.  If you respond Yes,
                                     EVE asks for the section file name.

     SET NODEFAULT SECTION FILE      Asks whether to save in a command file
     SET NOSECTION FILE PROMPTING    (.TPU) without prompting you about
                                     saving in a section file.

  o  SAVE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES does not change the settings currently in effect
     for the editing session. For example, it does not restore EVE default
     settings, such as free cursor or invisible tabs. For a list of the EVE
     default settings, see help on Defaults.

  Related topics

     Attributes     Command Files     Section Files     SAVE ATTRIBUTES
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