PREVIOUS SCREEN Scrolls vertically to show the previous screen's worth of text, if any--- roughly, the length of the current window. Key: EVE default VT100 keypad --------------------------------------- PREV SCREEN PERIOD on the keypad Usage notes: o If the cursor is free (default setting), it moves up in the same column on the screen regardless of whether text is there or not. Conceptually, the cursor remains in the same position on the screen while the buffer scrolls up. o If the cursor is bound, it moves up to the corresponding line position, depending on the shape of your text (as with EDT, WPS, and other editors). o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat PREV SCREEEN until you reach the top of the buffer. PREVIOUS SCREEN does not move the cursor across window boundaries (if you use more than one window in EVE). To move between windows, use the PREVIOUS WINDOW command. o The EDT keypad redefines the PREV SCREEN key on the mini keypad to scroll 75% of the window size. Related topics: NEXT SCREEN SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREE SET SCROLL JUMP SET SCROLL OFF SET SCROLL ON SET SCROLL SMOOTH