Includes a file into the current buffer, inserting it before the start of
  the current line. This is useful to combine files.

  Key:   The WPS keypad defines GOLD-G as INCLUDE FILE.


     1.  Put the cursor where you want to include the text (typically
         on the line you want to come after the included text).

     2.  Use the INCLUDE FILE command or with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-G.

     3.  Type the name of the file whose text you want to include.


     Commands                 Effects
     INCLUDE FILE more.dat    Includes a file called MORE.DAT (if it exists)
                              into the current buffer. On VMS, file names
                              are not case-sensitive.

     INCLUDE FILE *.dat       You can use wildcards to specify the file---in
                              this case, to include a file with the type
                              .DAT. If more than one file name matches your
                              request, EVE shows a list of matching files to
                              choose from---see help on Choices Buffer. You
                              can include only one file per command.

  Usage notes:

  o  INCLUDE FILE first moves the cursor to the start of the current line
     (unless already there). The text is inserted whether the mode of the
     buffer is insert or overstrike, pushing existing text down.

  o  Including a file does not change the buffer name, the output file
     associated with the buffer (if any), or any settings, such as margins
     and tab stops. For example, if the included text contains tab
     characters, the tab stops of the current buffer apply. Including a file
     does not rewrap the text. To reformat the included text according to
     the margins of the current buffer, use FILL commands.

  o  If you use a search list to specify the file or use wildcards for the
     device or directory (such as [...]), EVE includes the first matching
     file. For example, the following command includes the first MEMO.DAT
     file found:

        Command: INCLUDE FILE [...]memo.dat

  | Including a very large file may be slow particularly if       |
  | buffer-change journaling is in effect (which is the default). |

  Related topics:

     Quick Copy     GET FILE     OPEN     OPEN SELECTED
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