ERASE LINE Erases a line, starting with the current character. The next line (if any) moves up. Key: The EDT Delete Line key (PF4) is the same as ERASE LINE. Steps: 1. Put the cursor where you want to erase text---that is, on the first character of the text you want to erase. 2. Use the ERASE LINE command or with the EDT keypad, press the Delete Line key (PF4). Usage notes: o At the end of a line, ERASE LINE erases only the line break (carriage return), making the next line, if any, move up. This is useful to join paragraphs for FILL commands. o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE LINE command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PF4). Related topics: ERASE START OF LINE ERASE WORD RESTORE RESTORE LINE