EFI$HELP.HLB  —  Error Messages, BADGPTSYS
 [000000]GPT.SYS incorrectly placed on target disk

    Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program

    Explanation: The GPT.SYS file is not correctly located on the
    target disk. When present, this file must have at least two
    extents, with the lowest extent covering the first 33 blocks
    rounded up to the disk cluster factor, and the last extent must
    occupy the last 33 logical blocks, rounded up to the disk cluster

    User Action: The specified disk structure is not compatible with
    GPT-based bootstraps, and must either use the traditional MBR
    bootstrap or must be reinitialized with the GPT option specified.
    There is no mechanism available that can retrofit the GPT.SYS
    file onto an existing disk without requiring reinitialization.
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