The "MOVE" command moves the cursor a specified number of entities. If
 DLWC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to lowercase. If
 DUPC is in effect, all letters encountered are forced to uppercase. If
 DMOV is in effect, no text is changed.  The "MOVE" command uses no
 command word.

 Format: [+|-][count][+|-]entity

 If you use an explicit sign, the direction of the move is determined by
 that sign (+ for forward, - for backward); otherwise, the current
 direction mode (set by the ADV or BACK command) is used to determine the

 Ex: +3W     Moves the cursor 3 words forward.
     L       Moves the cursor 1 line in the current direction.
     -PAGE   Moves the cursor backward to a page delimiter.
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