DECW$DXMHELP_HELP.HLB  —  Overview  Menus Search
  The Help window Search menu contains the following

  -  History...

     Displays a list of help topics you have already seen
     and lets you perform a Go To or Visit operation on
     any of them.

  -  Title...

     Displays a list of all the available help topic
     titles and allows you to perform a Go To or Visit
     operation on visit any of them. You can also enter a
     word or phrase, and only those topics that contain
     it are displayed.

  -  Keyword...

     Displays a list of help keywords and allows you to
     select any of them. All topics having that keyword
     are displayed, and you can then perform a Go To or
     Visit operation on any of them.

  For more information, choose the menu item from the
  list of additional topics below.
Additional Information: explode extract
Menus Search History Menus Search Title Menus Search Keyword
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