This function repairs the synonym and reverse address mapping links for
 nodes in a directory service.

 This function is used when a node's synonym and reverse address mapping
 links are accidentally deleted or otherwise changed to that they no longer
 map to the correct node name.  To determine whether or not a node's synonym
 and reverse address mapping links are correct, use the show function with
 the full format.

1  –  Directory Service

 This field specifies the directory service that contains the node whose
 links are to be repaired.  The service must be one of:


 The Phase IV database does not require or use synonym or reverse
 address mapping links.  This command does not apply to this directory

 The service type can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is

2  –  Node Name

 This field is not used when repairing the Local Naming Database.  It
 is used only for DECdns.

 This field specifies the name of the node whose links are to be repaired.
 The node name must be the fully specified name for the node in the
 directory service.

 The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service
 being used.  Examples of fully specified names might be:

     For DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.MailHub

 Wildcards are allowed in the node name using an asterisk (*).  For

     For DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.Mail*

 The wildcard character can come anywhere in the last part of the name.
 Only a single wildcard character is allowed.

 The Phase IV database does not require or use synonym or reverse
 address mapping links.  This functon does not apply to this directory
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