This specifies the name of the new node to be registered.

     NODE node-name

 The node identification can be one of:

     The fully specified name for the node in the directory service.
     The Phase IV synonym for the node.

 The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service
 being used.  Examples of fully specified names might be:

     For Local:      NODE MailHub
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   NODE MLHUB

 An example of a Phase IV synonym for any of the above might be:


 Wildcards are allowed in the node name using an asterisk (*).  For

     For Local:      NODE Mail*
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.Mail*
     For Phase IV:   NODE ML*

 The wildcard character can come anywhere in the last part of the name.
 Only a single wildcard character is allowed.
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