DECNET_REGISTER_COMMANDS.HLB  —  Names and Directories, Node Names, DECdns
 This is a global directory service, where names are assigned within a
 naming hierarchy.  The entire name, including all of its hierarchical
 levels, makes up the "full name".  One possible format for a full name



   <ns>:         is the name of the namespace for this naming hierarchy.
                 For example, this could represent the organization.

   .<dir>        is some directory name used to break the namespace down
                 into smaller, more manageable segments.  For example,
                 this could represent an organization, an organizational
                 unit, or a location within an organization.  There can
                 be as many levels of directory as needed.

   .<node-name>  is the terminating name for some node.

 The actual name structure can be defined to suit the name usage of the
 organization.  If the above structure is used, an example of a complete
 full name might be:

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