This specifies how the "name" field in the export file node registration
 information is used.

     NAME_TEMPLATE template

 The node registration information contained in the export file includes
 each node's terminating name.  This is generally the part of the name that
 is the same regardless of the directory service.  For example, "MailHub"
 is the terminating name for the following:

     Local:      MailHub
     DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.MailHub

 To convert a terminating name to a fully specified name for the target
 directory service, it is combined with the name template.  The name
 template is a string that indicates what the fully specified name is to
 look like, with an asterisk (*) where the terminating name goes.  For

     Local:      *
     DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.*

 If not specified, the name template defined in the export file for the
 target directory service is used.  If the export file does not contain a
 valid name template for the target directory service, errors result.

 See the EXPORT_FILE topic for descriptions of the name template control
 line and the node registration information lines.
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