These sub-topics describe how to use the various features of the

1  –  Invocation

 The DECNET_REGISTER utility is normally invoked using the RUN command.
 It can also be invoked using a foreign command symbol.  For example:

     $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECNET_REGISTER          !Invoke the utility

     $ NETREG :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DECNET_REGISTER  !Foreign command symbol
     $ NETREG                                  !Invoke the utility

 If a foreign command symbol is used, a command line can be passed directly
 to DECNET_REGISTER on the invocation command line.  For example:


 If the utility is invoked by a foreign command symbol with a command line,
 as shown above, it executes the command and exits after the command is
 complete.  If not, it continues to accept commands until an explicit
 exit command is issued.

2  –  Termination

 The EXIT command causes DECNET_REGISTER to terminate execution.  The
 Ctrl/Z key combination can also be used.

 If a command was specified on the invocation command line, the utility
 exits immediately after the command has been processed.

3  –  Initialization Command File

 On startup, the DECNET_REGISTER utility always attempts to execute
 an initialization command file if one is present.  This is most
 useful for pre-setting the values to use for command parameter

 DECNET_REGISTER checks for an initialization file using a default
 name of:


 If this file is found, it is automatically executed as a command file
 containing a series of DECNET_REGISTER commands.  If a different file
 name is to be used, specify the file name using the logical definition:

     $ DEFINE DECNET_REGISTER_INIT initialization-file-name

 If this logical definition exists, #(NETREG_NAME) uses the
 specified file name, rather than the default file name.

4  –  Interface Modes

 After DECNET_REGISTER is invoked, and after it has executed the
 initialization command file (if any), it enters either command
 line mode or forms mode.

 Command line mode is used if the utility is invoked from a command file
 or from a hardcopy terminal.  In this case, the utility accepts commands
 as described in this help file.

 Forms mode is used if the utility is invoked from a video terminal.

 The DECNET_REGISTER utility can be forced to always run in command
 line mode or forms mode by using one of the logical definitions:

     $ DEFINE DECNET_REGISTER_COMMANDS 1 !Force the use of command lines
     $ DEFINE DECNET_REGISTER_FORMS 1    !Force the use of forms

 If either of these is defined, DECNET_REGISTER uses the indicated
 interface mode, regardless of how it is invoked.

 The DECNET_REGISTER utility can also be forced to run in command line
 mode or forms mode by supplying one of the following arguments on
 the invocation command line:

     $ NETREG /C                    !Force the use of command lines
     $ NETREG /F                    !Force the use of forms

 To use these arguments, DECNET_REGISTER must be invoked using a foreign
 command symbol.

 If supplied, these arguments override both the I/O mode and the
 logical definitions.

5  –  Entering Commands

 The following conventions are used in the command descriptions:

   - Words presented in upper case are keywords that must be entered
     as shown.  These can be entered using either upper or lower case,
     and can generally be abbreviated to three characters.

   - Words presented in lower case represent values to be determined
     by the user (node names for example).

   - Words or phrases enclosed in square brackets ("[xxx]") are optional.
     If these are not supplied, some default value or action is assumed.

6  –  Setting Defaults

 Default values are provided for most optional parameters.  These default
 values can be displayed and changed using the SHOW, SET, and RESET
 DEFAULT commands.

 The SET DEFAULT command can be used in an initialization file in order
 to provide the same default parameter values each time DECNET_REGISTER
 is run.

7  –  Obtaining Help

 The HELP command allows you to obtain help for any command and command

 When entering a command, you can also obtain the list of options available
 at that point in the command.  To do this, type a question mark (?) at the
 end of the command line.  This lists the available command options, and
 prompts you for the desired option (if any).  At the prompt, enter the
 option plus the rest of the command line.
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